Other charities helped in Romania

Its been almost a year since ROLDA is helping Saved by the vet from Solca, one of the charities from Romania which we help with regular small grants.
Thanks to our generous supporters, we are extremely happy to be able to continue helping charities that obviously needs assistance to be able to keep doors open to desperate animals in need like:

Chanel: a 3 year old female found on the side of the road, clearly used for breeding, completely neglected, blind, eyes infected suffering from painful sick lesions.

Mambo: an abuse case, male, 2-3 years old, found shot in the leg, ligature marks around throat. He lost his leg, but has made a full recovery.

Another charity ROLDA supports is the Association Lucky Cats from Focsani.

Animals helped in Ukraine

Total number of animals helped: approx 1400 cats and dogs
Locations: Irpin, Kharkiv, Kherson, Korosten, Nogayske, Odessa, Zaporizhezhe

Donations were divided to:

From Dana: Thoughts about my trip to Ukraine

A couple of weeks ago, Russian and Ukrainian army snipers watched me while I searched the front line for injured dogs and cats. Those snipers have shot and killed two animal rescue volunteers in the last few months, so I’ll admit I was terrified.

But since an agreement has now been reached for animal rescue volunteers to have safe passage, I hoped I would be OK. Safe passage is only offered to rescuers who wear a clear red medical badge on their vests. So, I stayed close to my colleagues and tried to look brave.

I drove over the border into Ukraine from ROLDA HQ, less than 7 km away. Sometimes, we hear shelling from our HQ and hope that no Russian bombs ‘stray’ into Romania. It took me many hours of customs checks, military checks and other delays to reach my colleagues Aleksey and Toni, close to the combat front line near Kherson.

Aleksey has gotten an old ambulance to drive back and forth to the no-man’s land ‘grey zone’ between Ukraine and Russian forces. The ambulance helps to identify him as a rescuer, and he can carry more supplies and transport more rescued animals. Everything we did there, we had to do 5 meters apart. Why? If one of us triggered a land mine, others should not be badly injured.

Toni, who volunteers to help Aleksey, is just 18 years old. But the gravity of his environment makes him behave like someone much older. He is more mature than any 18-year-old I have met before. I asked him why he helped to rescue injured strays. He replied that with so much war around him, saving lives feels like the only meaningful and positive part of his life.

Thinking of his serious, hopeful expression when he told me this, I still get tingles down my spine. Aleksey and Toni are two of many brave, resolute Ukrainians determined to help stray dogs and cats however they can.

I was glad I went to experience the front line for myself. It reinforced just how innocent all stray dogs and cats there are. How much they need food to survive. And how much veterinary medical supplies are needed to help the innocent four-pawed victims of this war.

Other bits of news:

We were finally able to buy the additional land (approx 1300 sq m)near the small shelter to expand in future or simply to secure the premises, to make sure that no person upset of dogs noise, barking will not move in closer to try to harm the dogs.

The cats and dogs from ROLDA small shelter were the happiest, enjoying the new volunteers. Even if our caretakers are great, our furry buddies enjoy extra hands alway ready to pet them … and Lorena, Rafi and Andreea did a great job the whole month cleaning and socializing our rescuers.

What can be better for a rescued dog then the feeling of being home? Ultimately, this is our goal and the purpose of our mission: to reunite great people with their furry companions, adopted from ROLDA shelters. This happened to Scott a lovely dog which found his happiness in the UK, into a family that will forever cherish him.
Big thanks to his adopters: Leslie and Penny!

“Scott is like a great big puppy, a truly lovely boy. Trips over his own legs and bumps into things all the time…especially his head! He is VERY soft and VERY VERY affectionate to everyone.He is a little afraid of traffic, even though he is only being walked on very very quiet roads but he is getting better.”
It was love at first sight and ROLDA team is so happy to hear that Scott has fitted in so well with Leslie and Penny!

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